
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Etching the glassware.

Glass etching is a style  of glass decoration with frosted design. This can be done by etching cream or sand blasting or with acid as done earlier,but etching cream is less messy than sandblasting, and is the preferred way to add decorate small pieces of glassware, such as wine glasses,goblets,beermugs . Here are  the steps to etch a personalized design onto your glassware.

Things You Need:
  • Etching cream(available from major crafts stores)
  • Glassware
  • Stencil(either get one from arts n crafts store or make your own at home)
  • Disposable gloves.
  • Bucket of  warm water
  • Safety glasses
  • Glass cleaner
  • Dish cleaner 
  • Paper towels
  • Masking tape
  • Foam brush
  1. Wash the glassware you are going to etch with glass cleaner and dry it completely with the paper towel before placing the stencil.
  2. Carefully place the stencil on the glassware.If you have made your own stencil then stick it to the glassware with the masking tape properly,else stick the stencil to the glassware with the adhesive side of the stencil  to the glassware.  
  3. Put on your gloves. Using the foam brush, apply a thick, even amount of etching cream onto the design area.
  4. Wait for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Carefully wipe off the etching cream with paper towel after 20 minutes,and dispose the paper towel properly as etching cream is very acidic and harmful if comes in contact with the skin.
  6. Remove the gloves,and wash the etched glass with warm water and dish cleaner so as to remove any residue of etching cream.
  7. Remove the stencil and finally clean the glassware with glass cleaner and paper towel.
  8. There you go,glass etching is complete and the glassware is beautifully etched,enjoy your creation.


  1. This is something that I should really try. It really looks so cool.
    dining room table

  2. Yeah,that is a good thought.Do give it a try,any help from my side would be my pleasure.

  3. You make it sound so easy! I would love to do a glass etching for our girls on our basksetball team for next Christmas and this gives me plenty of time to get prepared and experiment first:)
    I have missed you in our group and thought I would pop in and see what you were up to:) So glad I did!

  4. You know I want to make my own etched glass and I wanna put my body. Cool idea right?

  5. I love your blog .This is a cool site and I wanted to post a little note to tell you, good job! Best wishes!!!
    glass and stone mosaic
